Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fran's Backpack - Flying South: A Pilot's Inner Journey [Paperback]

Fran's Backpack brings to you various products on travel, adventure, flying and photography.

They could be books, ebooks, videos, or gear. Check each one out as it's highlighted on the day.

Today's item in the Backpack is Flying South: A Pilot's Inner Journey [Bargain Price] [Paperback].

This combines both flying and travel. What a combination!

Click on the ad for more information.

Product Description
Flying South A Pilot’s Inner Journey by Barbara Cushman Rowell Photographs by Barbara and Galen Rowell
Call it love at first flight. Barbara Cushman Rowell was already a powerhouse by anyone’s measure, but it wasn’t until she tried flying that she found the inner fulfillment and sense of self she’d longed for all her life. As the driving force behind husband Galen Rowell’s business success, Barbara’s adventures and accomplishments had always been the byproduct of her husband’s career. Until, that is, she took off and sailed into a strata all her own. FLYING SOUTH is the hair-raising, reflective, and ultimately inspiring story of Barbara’s trip of a lifetime—a 25,000-mile, 57-leg journey through Latin America and the recesses of her soul, discovering unrealized self-confidence, irrepressible resourcefulness, and vast reserves of emotional and physical strength she never knew she had. And what a journey it was. She recounts landing in the middle of a coup in Panama, narrowly escaping disaster when key flight instruments failed over Peru, flying herself to an oral surgeon after a mouth-smashing rafting accident on the Bio Bio River in Chile, fighting plane-shredding winds over the Andes, and surviving a life-threatening and disorienting tropical storm off the coast of Brazil—all while navigating the pervasive and demoralizing chauvinism of the aviation world. But much more than a harrowing page-turner, Barbara’s tale of finding herself through flight inspires us all to go after the experiences we long for, and to live the lives we only wish for. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

From the Publisher
•Includes over 100 stunning photographs, principally by GalenRowell.
•Adventure travel doubles as inspirational manifesto for women trying to find their own direction in life.

•Rowell is a role model for every woman who longs to nurture her own aspirations. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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