Wednesday, June 26, 2019

On Wings and Wheels: a Western Australian adventure

Hi, I’m Fran West, pilot, adventurer, photographer, writer, speaker and creator of products for aged care. 20 years ago, I piloted a Cessna 172 aircraft around the coast of mainland Australia.
To celebrate that milestone, I’m returning by 4WD to Western Australia (almost half continental Australia) to see the country at ground level. I'll revisit places which I flew over, landed at and visited during that 1999 flight.

On this trip there will be more opportunities to explore at length and include places I didn't have time for before.
On Wings and Wheels was created to give you an insight into both a flight and a road trip. There will be loads of photos and travel tips as well. 

You too can participate in the journey by following with the "Where's Fran?" activity (ideal for schools and aged care facilities).

The adventure begins on August 1st, heading from Adelaide, over the Nullarbor, inland and up to Kununurra and Lake Argyle and then following the coast of Western Australia back to South Australia. 

Unfortunately, I won't be able to travel the exact route of the flight because there aren't always roads there and my vehicle is a 4WD without low range and high clearance (maybe next time!).

Wi-Fi is not always available in the Outback, so if I can't post every day, then don't worry. I'll catch up when I'm back online and do several days' posts at the one time.

This is definitely a road trip with a difference.
I hope you enjoy it!

P.S. In case you're wondering, I still hold a Private Pilot's Licence at age 66. I'll never stop dreaming and doing and my bucket list is increasing all the time.

Tags: pilot, female, woman, female pilot, woman pilot, adventurer, senior, grey nomad, writer, photographer, Australian, South Australian, traveller, solo traveller, 4WD, speaker, 4WDing, solo, plane, aircraft, Adelaide, coast, coastline, coastal, Western Australia, Nullarbor, Kununurra, Lake Argyle