Sunday, July 3, 2011

Flyabout around Australia's Coast - 12th Anniversary, 3rd July

It's hard to believe that it's 12 years since I set off from Naracoorte, in South Australia's South East, to fly around the coast of Australia. I was two days behind schedule because of the dreadful wintry weather. Even one of the flight briefing officers said the weather was so bad that I should go back to bed and not bother flying in the Cessna 172!

Nevertheless, I did set off around Australia's coast, flying over the ocean about a mile out to sea and at about 1,000 to 1,500 feet above the water. This provided an excellent oblique angle for the photographs and the Cessna 172 was the right speed aircraft for photographing under the high wing.

Plane Reflections Book

Reflecting back on the flight and the past 12 years has been good for my own reminiscence therapy. Life certainly has changed for me.

Even though I had no team, partner, manager or thousands of dollars of sponsorship behind me, I still achieved my goal. However, I did receive help from people along the way. Members of the Australian Women Pilots' Association and members of Soroptimist International Service Organisation, in particular, provided me with accommodation and local knowledge when possible. I'd also like to thank again the series of friends and strangers who flew with me on different parts of my journey. From them I learnt a lot about flying, myself and life in general.

I had a dream to fly around Australia's coast and photograph while I was flying and I actually did it. The best advice I can give to people is that if you have a burning desire to do something, no matter how big or small, then just do it! Stop stuffing around and get on with it! You'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't at least have a go.

Because I had a dream and did something about it, I set in motion a sequence of events which has led me to where I am now. On the return from my flight, I started speaking to people about my experiences. People then wanted me to write a book, which I did, Plane Reflections, and that led to collaboration in several academic publications. After that, I put my photos on CD and then progressed to movie presentations of the photos on DVDs. That in turn led me to producing DVDs for aged care and dementia patients as reminiscence therapy.

It hasn't been an easy path. In between times I suffered injuries in a head on collision in a car which further forced me in the direction that I'm now heading. Strange how my dream has now turned from me doing something solely for myself to me helping others.

Life is an adventure, so make the most of it.

If you want to hear or read more about my philosophy of life and business you can contact me at

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